Saturday, July 08, 2006

The mother of all updates

That's right. Today is the day of updation. Prepare, for this is what I should have done all along:

Right after school: So I returned straight home, happy to see my family and friends again, but with a gigantic hole in my heart, for I knew that I would not return to the college in the same way again, and I knew that I wouldn't see all my friends again. Perhaps ever.
I was in a complete standstill with my thoughts. I knew I was going to Iceland in August and I knew my schooldays were finished. Yet I had a strange resilliant feeling that it was all a dream, and that I would be packing my bags in August not to go to Iceland, but to return to the college.
This faded slowly, but I didn't realise how unfinished I had felt until I got the grades. My final results. As I was reading them I felt it. The final cut. And I am separated from that place academically, and when the kids are done, emotionally as well.

Relaxing, recuperating and recovering: I spent these first weeks at home rebuilding old friendships, being congratulated by the world for having finished school, relaxing at home, listening to music, reading books for fun again, watching new movies... all those things I couldn't do at college. I also had my ceremonial night of obsene drunkenness which occurs the first weekend after any return of mine. My parents were being nice, understanding that I needed to recover a bit, letting me tend my own life for a bit, then asked me to help out. So I spent my days tinkering with tasks they set me, internet and relaxation. And then...

The Job: I decided it was time to get a job. I'd been looking for one all along, but I never really wanted one that much.. just did it because my parents wanted me to. But now, I got the idea of getting a job as a tourguide. Now, "Tourguide" might not be the dreamjob of many people, but it's pretty close for me... You get to speak all the languages you know, you get to brag about your country, you get to meet new interesting people and all this time... doing nice, enjoyable things... You get paid!
So I called the Centre of Information, where they told me to contact this old guy who might be looking for guides. I called him, but he didn't seem too thrilled. He said I needed experience, but I could drop by his office in the afternoon so we could have a proper interview. I went there, we spoke and since then I've been helping him and his son out at the office and on the docks. Preparing things for cruiseships full of tourists, filing things and such... It's quite interesting, and I really love my job right now. We take care of most of the big tourist cruiseships that come here, arranging busses, guides, tours and everything.

So now I'm here. I've got my results and feel that I have finally let that place go. I have a really nice job, which is interesting and challenging. I have managed to restore all the old friendships and even improve a couple more. Generally I am doing very good. Feeling like I'm on top of things. And at the same time... spending so much time away from my parents' house, I don't get to go on the net alot, and so I lose contact with all of you guys...

Trying to stay alive...



Blogger Egetusmeister said...

Good that things are starting to look up, I know how desperate tehy can see right after leaving. Even I am now a happy renter of a three room apartment in Helsinki! And just because you don't use the internet so much these days as you have so many things to do, it doesn't mean that you will lose contact. Those people who you really really care for will stay with you even if you don't talk to them on msn every day. Lately I have not been speaking too much to my beloved UWC friends and that is mainly due to lack of time. One way to keep yourself from getting depressed is to move on to new things in your life and live it. I have been up to so many fun things with my friends and co-workers and others lately that I haven't had the time to come online every day, not at least at a reasonable hour :P But anyways. I know who I love and who love me. :)
Good to know you're doing well.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Tugc said...

Hey darling,
Congrats about everything.I mean life gets sucky for a long time after Flekke,at l;east feels like that, but for sure it is not the end, and prepare yourself for Iceland;)
Nikola and Akin were here last weekend visiting me;)

8:29 AM  
Blogger Tiger said...

Hey Buns. On a note competly unrelated to this post, do you listen to Dragon's Landing? Chaupacabra Bob? Bob the blog?...If you ahve no clue what I am talking about, check out DL, it is good, GtP style...

8:55 PM  

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